About vision preparedness

15 years of emergency preparedness and planning. We are here to help and guide you on your journey of preparedness. Preparedness is not a race, it is a lifestyle change to help you be confident and know what  to do in case of a emergency

Up coming Events

BugOut Weekend 2025
May 15-18, 2025 Dayton, Ohio

Click here for more details and registration



emergency preparedness and planning

In the middle of any kind of emergency, adrenalin is rushing and confusion and fear could set in. That is why its always good to have a plan and know what to do in an emergency. That is where Vision Preparedness can help you plan to be prepared for just about any type of emergency you may or could encounter. With a willingness to learn and begin planning accordingly, you too can begin the road to preparedness at your own pace.

As we all say here at Vision Preparedness, "The Time Is Now!" procrastination is not the thing to do when it comes to being prepared and planning for "Life Events" that could permanently change your life forever. Planning and being prepared should be a way of life. Not a behavior that throws you into a panic to react to a unforeseen event or natural disaster. Everything we teach, we teach based on the methodology of:


P - Primary

A - Alternative

C - Contingency

E - Emergency



Plan your work and work your plan, as the saying goes, which is so true and the core to being successfully prepared for life events that may be interjected unknowingly into our lives.


When it comes to storing up food, keep in mind a person can only go without food for 3 weeks before starvation and then death sets in. Food is a major necessity for every human on the planet. When you begin to store food, keep in mind these are the types you want to store. Protein, Canned foods, Freeze Dried foods, Frozen foods, Dehydrated, beans, rice, pasta and shelf stable food. The average person need between 1500 -2200 calories per person per day.


Water is another thing that every person must have, you can only go without water for 3 days before dehydration sets in before death. So you want to store as much water as possible for you and your family no matter what water is vital to everything we do on a daily basis, imagine if you had no water in your house - How would you survive? We all use water for Drinking, Cooking, Cleaning, Hygiene daily. So keep that in mind when storing and preparing extra water. The average person will use 1 gallon of water per day per person for drinking. Storing extra water is a must and should be done by everyone incase of any type disaster or emergency.


Shelter is one of the things in life that some people take for granted, in adverse weather the average person can only last 3 hours before death sets in. Wether you live in a house, condo or apartment, shelter is a must for every individual. Even with the homeless population in our country shelter is a major need for everyone.


With all the technology available today, home security is a vast selection of cameras, flood lights, doorbell cameras and motion sensors. Take your pick of devices that will make your home secure and give you a piece of mind while you sleep. Even the pet dog is a great line of defense and security for you and your family. Driveway alarms are a great choice as well. Also firearms are as old as the west and provide a piece of mind to all gun owners across the country. Proper training and firearm maintenance is always recommended if you decide to become a responsible firearm owner.


what are your lines of communications? What if the cell phone towers are all down? 2 way radio's, CB Radio's and even HAM Radios along with GMRS radio's are a great choice for alternative communications with family and friends in time of a emergency or disaster. Keep in mind to communicate using a ham radio you need a license issued by the FCC to transmit over the radio. Just to listen you do not need a license. We highly suggest getting your ham radio listens.